It’s a purrfect world

Toni, a frequent reader of my blog, recently remarked that I have some unique relatives. That’s true. I also have some unique — and fortunate — friends. Fortunate because many of them have been saved from homelessness by some very special humans. 

One such friend is Billie, who was brought in off the street by the kindly daughter of a guy who makes music for a living. Meet Billie.

Purrfect World

Yup, Billie’s human is a real, live artist. He writes, he sings, he plays — he does everything. (Good thing Billie loves music so much, I say.)

Sometimes Billie’s human performs with a bunch of friends, and they call themselves Lunch At Allen’s. Coincidentally, Lunch At Allen’s just happens to be one of my human’s favorite bands.

Well, it also just so happens that Lunch At Allen’s is performing in Ottawa this weekend at Centrepointe Theatre. So guess what I gave my human as an early Christmas present? That’s right — six tickets to see Lunch At Allen’s on Saturday night. Not two tickets — six tickets. That’s so she could take her whole family to see the show. (Don’t ever say cats have no appreciation for the arts.)

Meanwhile, this — a two-hour show plus travel time — gives me and many other lucky cats a solid four-hour window to party without humanus interruptus. Ergo, Lunch At Allen’s is really the gift that keeps on giving. (Take heed of this, clever readers.) 

Lunch At Allen's

Lunch At Allen’s is Ian Thomas, Murray McLauchlan, Cindy Church & Marc Jordan

So thank you very much, Lunch At Allen’s, for all you do for cats — and millions of music-loving humans everywhere.

À bientôt mes amis!

– Coco